Robin Bakker

web developer

Hi there!

Happy to see you! πŸ˜€
I like to make sites and web apps - keep scrolling!

Uhm, do you understand "gezellig"? Probeer Nederlands!

Do you prefer something dark? Sorry, not very dark here yet...
Suggestion: πŸ•Ά

What? Why? How?

At you can listen to radio and podcasts.

I wanted to create a web app to learn more about front-end frameworks. And at the office we wanted to automatically switch radio stations throughout the day. That problem needed to be solved... 😎
If you want to know more, I wrote 2 articles about it: "Creating a web app as side project" & "Updating my web app side project".

This is a static, pre-rendered web app made with βš›οΈ Preact.
Find out more on GitHub.

To @1tuner

1tuner home screen

What? Why? How?

At (Dutch) you can find summaries of the most popular podcasts of the Netherlands.

For this experiment I wanted to find out more about using AI technology in websites. Using OpenAI's Whisper and ChatGPT API, podcasts are automatically transcribed and then summarised in different writing styles. Made with Astro, runs at Vercel and is fully automated by using Cloudflare Workers with triggers.
Read more in "From audio to text with AI".


What? Why? How?

At (Dutch) you can find the most popular podcasts and radio stations of the Netherlands.

For this experiment I wanted to find out more about static ("serverless") websites. Made with Eleventy, runs at Netlify and is fully automated by using Cloudflare Workers with triggers.
Read more in "Starting a static side project".

To @topzender

About me

Do you want to know more about me? 😳
Are you interested to see what kind of nerdy things I'm using? See /uses.

All information here is personal stuff. In my day-to-day job at Keesing Media Group, I work as a front-end developer on the online puzzles.

There might be some more information about me if you search a bit more on this website... Or just contact me. πŸ˜‰